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Our Story

Hi! I’m glad you want to get to know me a little and see who you’re talking to!

I'm Jana Stoltzfus and I'm married to Nathan. We have one child, Nuriah (8), and two promised children (more on that later). We live on my husband's family's small horse farm just south of Lancaster, PA.


I taught special education for 7 years, but after I had my daughter, I just could not go back. Since then, my goal has been to be a stay-at-home mom, but I have continued earning money through child care or cleaning houses. My main goal is to be available to my daughter and not be torn between work and home. So far, so good! I am also a singer/songwriter, worship leader, prayer warrior, lifelong learner, designer, cook, baker, woodworker, builder, try-er of all things...

My husband is a therapist...and a ranch hand, plumber, builder, woodworker, handyman, and whatever other kind of man I ask him to be. He's my rock! He's also the sound tech and media coordinator at our church...but only because we have no other options...Sorry, Babe!

I started this blog because one day, as I was on my way to a conference, I heard the Lord clearly tell me to start one. When I got to the conference, my mind was swirling with ideas and questions. I hardly heard more than 100 words out of the speaker's mouth, but what I did hear her say was, "Whatever God is asking you to do, just say 'YES'."

Ok God, I got it. I'm on it!

I dug my notebook and pen out of my bag and immediately started writing down ideas and coming up with a name for this baby. But then my mind drifted and I started thinking, "I'm not a good writer. How do I put my thoughts into flowing, beautiful words that anyone will want to read? Perhaps I should just have So-and-So write it for me."

As soon as those thoughts went through my mind, the speaker said, "But you're going to feel like you don't have what it takes..." 

Ok God, I got it!

So, are you going to read beautiful, poetic words of wisdom, quotable lines or witty remarks? Maybe, maybe not. But what you will read is my heart...a heart of faith unfolding. What I have experienced over the last ten plus years is nothing I should keep to myself, but share with the world...even if it only reaches one.

And what do I want that one to get out of this? Hope, faith, inspiration, a never-giving-up kind of spirit because I know my God is faithful and keeps His promises!

Are you that one? Well, dear friend, I would love to get to know you personally. I will do my best to stay in touch with all my readers through social media! You can subscribe above to receive emails, or you can find me on FacebookInstagram or Twitter.

Jana Stoltzfus, writer of Faith Unfolding, with her husband, Nathan

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